Few Tips for Programmers from The Pragmatic Programmer


2 min read

I just started reading a book called "The Pragmatic Programmer" and will share my learnings and key tips from the book that helps you become a better programmer.

Here are a few key tips shared in the first chapter of the book:

  • Care About Your Craft

  • Think! About Your Work

  • You Have Agency

  • Provide Options, Don't Make Lame Excuses

Care About Your Craft

  • This point makes emphasis that there is no point in developing software unless you care about doing it well.

  • This means that if you don't care and are not ready to give your 100% to the work you are doing, you will not put effort into the same and will not try to improve on the same hence the result will not be great.

Think! About Your Work

  • This point says that you should think about what you are doing while you're doing it*.*

  • This is a never-ending process, you should think twice about what you are doing, how you are doing and why you are doing it. It is to make you think about every decision you take.

You Have Agency

  • This point explains that you should make efforts to update yourself with the latest knowledge instead of complaining and whining.

  • You should invest extra time in upgrading yourself out of work.

Provide Options, Don't Make Lame Excuses

  • This is a great point mentioned by the author, here he explains that one should be responsible, and should take responsibility for the work one has done, one should not give lame excuses like The Cat Ate My Code ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜….

  • Just like one is proud of his/her code, when things go wrong one should accept their mistakes and provide alternative options like okay this went bad but we can try this solution to fix the same. instead of giving lame excuses.

These were few learnings from the first chapter 1 read from the book, these were not the only once I will share other learnings from that chapter soon, so stay tuned and Happy Coding ๐Ÿ˜.
